Dear Investors

I have got really exciting news! For the last 24 months, My company CEO (Patrick) and I have literally traveled the world to find the top options traders and fund managers that we wanted to recruit to join the Wealth Academy Group of Programs in Singapore.

Right, now I am proud to say that Ron Ianieri, Chief Options Strategists of Options University is down in Singapore to conduct the Wealth Academy Options Seminar (3 Days). This seminar will only happen ONCE A YEAR. Why did I bring this guy down? Well, you know I have extremely high standards and will only work with the best in the business. After going through all his material and doing my research, I have found that he is indeed in a league of his own! All the current Options trainers are NOTHING compared to this guy.

Ron has been a hedge fund manager and a TRAINER of TOP WALL STREET FLOOR TRADERS for the last 20 years.He has made over US$10 million in profits for himself and his clients through trading options in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). (side info: having lunch with him yesterday, I also found out that he was a former Navy SEAL).

He will be conducting a FREE INTRODUCTORY workshop on 29th Aug (Wed) and 30 Aug (Thu) at 7pm. Venue is Adam Khoo Workshop Training Centre (10 Hoe Chiang Rd #01-01). You can register for this at workshop at or call 62740105 and speak to Terence/ Fiona/Wandy.

If you are interested to trade options successfully and are committed to becoming a top investor or trader, you MUST grab this rare opportunity to learn from the very best!